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What are the Best Pet-friendly Airlines (2024)

Are you disheartened by the fact that you have to leave your pet at home? Or are you considering canceling the plans to stay with your furry friend? Well, you don’t have to do that anymore, with the increase in the best pet friendly airlines, you can easily accommodate your friend in the cabin or on cargo. Following a few guidelines and paying extra fees for your furry friend, you can ensure a safe and comfortable trip for your friend. So, if you are wondering about the best pet friendly airlines, we have listed 5 below, check them out and go on a long trip with your furry friend.

American Airlines 

It is one the biggest and the most pet friendly airlines for traveling with pets. There are two options for traveling with pets, for flights with shorter duration passengers can fly with pets as long as they are kept in a carrier under the seat. And if you are traveling on a flight with a longer duration, pets can travel in cargo to ensure they are cared for while their owners travel long distances. 

The fees for the travel depends upon the size of the pet and the duration of the flight. Mentioned below are general guidelines for passengers to travel with their pets. 

  • Booking: Passengers need to book flight tickets for their pets in advance to ensure that there are seats for their pets on the flight. 
  • Pet Carrier: It is advised that the pet should be taken in a pet carrier that is approved by the flight and fits below the seat. Passengers should choose a carrier that doesn’t compromise the movement of pets, and it can comfortably sir, stand and turn around. 
  • Health Certificate: Passengers may be required to show a health certificate of their pet for certain destinations. 
  • Temperature Restrictions: Passengers should also look into specific temperature restrictions that American Airlines has to ensure that their pets can travel safely. 
  • Age And Breed: American Airlines wants to ensure that your pet is safe during travel that is the reason why they only allow certain breeds and certain age pets. There is a possibility that animals with small snouts won’t be able to breathe in the small cabin as well as cargo space. 
  • Check-In: It is advised that passengers who are traveling with their pets should arrive early to ensure all the papers are in place and there is no discomfort to the pet.
  • Behavior: American Airlines only allows pets who are well-behaved and quiet to ensure that the rest of the passengers are not in discomfort. 
  • International Requirements: There are some regulations for pets traveling internationally like vaccinations and quarantine.


If you are looking for a flight that provides the best care for your pet then JetBlue is the answer, this airline also offers a separate pet friendly airline program for their furry passengers. With this program you get a separate carrier bag for the pet and tips with which you can handle your pet easily, you also get 300 TrueBlue points with each travel. 

Passengers only need to pay $100 or so each way while traveling with their pet, this airline gives you extra help in managing your pet as well and your pet will get to its destination safely. Mentioned below are the guidelines for travel with your pet on JetBlue Airlines.

  • Type Of Pet: JetBlue allows you to carry only small dogs and cats to travel along with passengers in their cabin. 
  • Size And Weight: Passengers should note that only pets who fit comfortably under the seat in the space in front of, you can read their manual on specific size and weight guidelines for cabin travel. 
  • Carrier Requirement: It is advised that passengers who are traveling with their pet bring a carrier in which the pet can turn around, sit, and sleep. It should also be ventilated and as well as leakproof so your pet is safe and comfortable during the journey. 
  • Health Documents: To travel with a pet on JetBlue Airlines, it is advised that you bring the health documents of your pet that were issued a not long time ago. 
  • Reservation: It is advised that along with booking your flight ticket, you should make a reservation for your pet as only a limited number of pets are allowed to board on one flight. 
  • Age: Your pet should be at least 8 weeks old to travel with you. 

Air Canada

You can find a flight to each of the cities around the world whether it is Beijing to Pari or just about every other major city, Air Canada is great when it comes to your pets. As long as your pet is in the carrier and you get to the departure area 30 minutes before, you can travel with your pets. 

Bigger pets can safely travel in cargo and the prices to ensure this safe travel ranges from $50 to $118, which is very low compared to most of the flights. We have mentioned the guidelines for travel with your pet with Air Canada. 

  • Pet Eligibility: Passengers can take their pets either in carry-on or checked baggage this depends on the pet’s size and weight. 
  • Reservation: It is important to remember that there is only a limited space for pets on the flight so passengers should book flights in advance.
  • Health Of Your Pet: Passengers should submit a copy of the health certificate of their pet issued by a licensed veterinarian before the departure and this certificate should not be older than a few days before the timeframe of departure. 
  • Pet Carrier: Whatever carrier you are choosing, you should ensure that it fits the guidelines of Air Canada and that it fits under the seat in front of you. And same goes for checked baggage, it must be a carrier that meets Air Canada guidelines. 
  • Weight and Age: Passengers should look into the weight and age guidelines of Air Canada. The pet must be at least 12 weeks old and the weight of the pet should not be more than 22 pounds.

Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines travels to a lot of destinations across the world and if you are choosing them to travel with your pet can travel to a lot of destinations with this airline.  This airline provides the same guidelines as other airlines small pets can travel along with you beneath the seat in front of you and larger pets should travel in cargo safely and comfortably. 

The prices for safe travel of your pet include $75 to $200, which are affordable as well as light on your wallet. Mentioned below are some guidelines for travel with your pet on Delta Airlines. 

  • Reservations: For booking a comfortable space for your pet, you should call the airlines to see if there is space available for your pet. 
  • Eligibility: Delta allows you to travel with small dogs, cats, and household birds, whereas large pets should be transported in a cargo. 
  • Cabin Restrictions: Passengers should carry only one pet with them. This pet is considered as one allowed carry-on item, and you can’t take anything else with you. 
  • Health Check: Passengers should carry a certificate of vaccination ensuring that your pet is fully vaccinated and is safe for traveling. 
  • Carrier Requirements: Passengers should ensure that their pet is kept in a carrier that is well-ventilated and your pet can easily sit, and turn around. 
  • Check-in: It is advised that passengers should arrive early to complete the process of check-in so that they can submit the required documents and pay the fees. 

Air India

Passengers are allowed to board the plane with their pet if they have all the documents of their pets, their pet is fully vaccinated, and is sitting or lying properly in the crate. For travelling with your pet you need to pay a boarding fee and this boarding fee varies depending on which country you are flying to. 

Air India ensures that your furry friends are comfortable and they are safely residing in the airline. Mentioned below are guidelines to help you travel with a pet in Air India airline. 

  • Advance Notice: It is advised that passengers inform about 48 hours before to the airlines that they are traveling with their pet. 
  • Weight and Size: Passengers should meet Air India’s size and weight restrictions, it should also be taken care of that the pet is small enough to be carried comfortably in a carrier. 
  • Carrier: You can also use the carrier provided by the airlines to ensure your pet is comfortable while sitting, standing, and turning around. 
  • Health Check: Passengers should get all the necessary documents like the import permit required by the country and state, health certificates, and vaccination records.  
  • Pet Handling: It is advised that you follow Air India’s guide at all times, during check-in, at security checkpoints, and boarding. 

Wrapping Up 

Many other airlines provide that service to let your pet travel safely with you like Alaska Airlines, and Hawaiian Airlines.  So if you are still looking for the best pet-friendly airlines to take your pet with you, the above-listed ones can be the best option.  You can go through the guidelines of these airlines and check if your pet is allowed to board the cabin or if will it be safe in cargo. 

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